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Rainforest deep jungle walkabout

Walk through the rainforest and meet howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys and much more.

Observation of the region’s flora and fauna representative species

Walk through a path where we`ll be able to watch big trees and plants, such as the bibosi, coquino, ochoó, peloto, patujú and others. For some hours we’ll share the habitat of squirrel monkeys and howling monkeys or manechis, parakeets or sloths, troperos, taitetús, huasos and some of the most endangered species in Bolivia, such as the tigers and lions (jaguars and pumas) – carnivores with great common home ranges in savannahs near tree-covered areas -, tigrecillos or ocelots and even a canidae, the mount dog, the latter are extremely shy in the presence of humans. Short recesses will allow us to watch the numerous birds that cross the ground and the trees of the rainforest, or at least, enjoy the continuous and varied rainforest sounds.

The route of the Flotel counts with several walks with different duration. This one will adapt to the needs and interests of each tourist and the season of the year.

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