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Tropical Birdwatching

Llanos de Moxos, specifically in Trinidad, which is the 2nd best place in Bolivia for Birdwatchers. The Amazonas River Cruise is a great opportunity for birding thanks to the different ecosystems of observation: river banks, lagoons, gallery forests, and wetlands. From the terraces of our ship or from the smaller boats (skiffs) our tour offers a unique and comfortable options for bird lovers to shoot their best pictures of exotic tropical birds. Bolivia is among the 10 top countries in bird diversity so the tour we offer is a great opportunity to see first hand the most incredible birds. The species you might expect to see in this region are listed here at We offer exclusive bird specialist guide if you require.

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Jungle beach sunbathe

Experience a sunbath and a swim in a lonely Amazonian river, on an exotic white sand beach, surrounded by beautiful tropical jungle. You can try an unusual, but healthy mud bath or play sand games with balls and frisbees. 

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On every turn of the river, there is a beach where to sunbath, play, swim and relax.

Exotic jungle river white sand beaches

 Map data: Google, DigitalGlobe


Exploring ethnic communities along the amazon river basin

We will visit Santa María del Pilar a community along the river shore of the YURACARÉ ethnic group which is only found in Bolivia in very small numbers. This community of only five families lives from fishing and the extraction of wood. Accompanied by our local guides, we will learn about their way of life and discover most interesting things about them.

Caiman spotting

We sail in smaller boats from the main ship in search of a nearby and suitable place where we can find black caimans. Once identified, the guide will use a flashlight to keep the caiman still, which will enable us to get pictures from a very close distance. Once this activity is carried out, the motor of the smaller boat is turned off in order to listen to the sounds of the jungle, while at the same time observing thousands of stars in the sky.


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Jungle Archaeology Tours

In the Llanos de Moxos there are more than 20 thousand artificial hills, hundreds of kilometers of ridges or dikes and other expressions of an ancient formidable technology of control and exploitation of floods. Our tour includes a presentation onboard about the latest archeological discoveries in the region as well as walks to the pre-Columbian mounds where we will find all kinds of buried ceramic fragments along our paths. A visit is recommended to the Kennet Lee Archaeological Museum, before embarking, which offers well-explained information and images about this incredible "agricultural hydraulic culture".


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Walk through the rainforest and meet howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys and much more.

Observation of the region’s flora and fauna representative species

Walk through a path where we`ll be able to watch big trees and plants, such as the bibosi, coquino, ochoó, peloto, patujú and others. For some hours we’ll share the habitat of squirrel monkeys and howling monkeys or manechis, parakeets or sloths, troperos, taitetús, huasos and some of the most endangered species in Bolivia, such as the tigers and lions (jaguars and pumas) – carnivores with great common home ranges in savannahs near tree-covered areas -, tigrecillos or ocelots and even a canidae, the mount dog, the latter are extremely shy in the presence of humans. Short recesses will allow us to watch the numerous birds that cross the ground and the trees of the rainforest, or at least, enjoy the continuous and varied rainforest sounds.

The route of the Flotel counts with several walks with different duration. This one will adapt to the needs and interests of each tourist and the season of the year.

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Visit and Exchange with communities or riverside inhabitants

From the Flotel, on a small boat, visit a community or riverside family, depending on the number of days of your stay or the program, this activity will be more complete.

From the Flotel, on a small boat, we’ll visit a community or riverside family, being part of the daily chores and exchanging experiences during 1 or 2 hours. By taking advantage of the minor water flow entering we’ll be able to fish just what’s necessary for lunch or dinner.

If the number of days of your stay allows it, the expedition on small boats will take us to the mojeñas indigenous communities of the Mamore river, Rosario and El Boibo, more structured and esthetic. Its paths, chacos and suspended houses will show us the relationship man-nature in peace and the balance that these communities have decided to preserve.

Sharing with their craftsmen will be an excuse to talk with them and get access to their far-from- the-world routine. A good swim in some beach accompanied by the bufeos and the observation of animals that becomes more varied and frequent in this better preserved river zone won’t be missed. This activity lasts from 2 to 6 hours depending on the Tour.

It is possible to be surprised during the road along with fish that jump while we go across the river, by flocks of crow-ducks or cormorants, kingfishers, herons, jabirús, batos, jacanas, gallaretas, rayadores, sereres curicheros and an endless variety of birds and riverside mammals such as the capybaras (the biggest rodent in the world) or reptiles like water petas, tatarugas, caimans or some sicurí (anacondas in some places).

Game fishing

Piranha and other species fishing. This activity is carried out in rivers, streams, and lagoons depending on where the Flotel is and the season of the year.

For this activity, we leave on small boats that allow us to enter to streams and remote lagoons and live the fishing experience in the local way. Species such as the piranha or the pacú will be the goal. Between 2 and 5 hours assigned to get what could be our dinner.

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Sunbathing and swimming

Once the ship is stopped we can refresh from the tropical hot climate by dipping into the river waters or if you prefer at our top deck we have a nice place where to sunbathe. Children can have lots of fun by jumping off the higher parts of the boat into the river. Small children can enjoy of a  safety net connected to the ship. Night baths are also available at the net pool where we can enjoy cold drinks.

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Amazon kayak tour

Kayak rowing through streams and lagoons. This activity will allow us to go into the mystery of the Amazon.

Practically in silence, we’ll watch the continuous movement of the river birds in search of food, of the fish chasing theirs and, if the weather allows it, the reptiles will also do it while sunbathing on the banks along with capybaras grazing and refreshing.

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Horseback riding through the Amazonian pampa

Horseback riding through high hill and savannah or pampa. The Ranch "El Carmen" is visited too (seasonal activity).

The Ranch has an extension of 4 thousand hectares with approximately 2000 heads of cattle, in its center, there are houses and corrals, from where we get the horses with saddles.

Duration from 1.5 hrs. (approx.)

Living a horseback riding experience in the local way. Getting to know a ranch and the pampa or savannah mojeña. Establishing a brief cohabiting with people and cattle breeding families, the most productive activity of the Beni.

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Boat (skiff) Tours

Exploration of amazing distant places on small boats. The most frequent places are lagoons and streams inaccessible by ship. In these sites the flora diversity and the possibility to observe the place’s fauna increase. An activity that can be combined with a swim or game fishing.


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Note that we take with us small boats (skiffs) in order to form groups that do different activities according to their interests and go further into the jungle or wetlands.


Check out more of the activities you can do in our Amazon River Tour:   Game fishingBoat ToursAdventure tubing in the amazon basinWalk through the rainforestHorseback riding through the Amazonian pampaKayak RowingBaths in the net pool of the flotel, day and nights, ArchaeologyVisit and Exchange with communities or riverside inhabitantsCaiman spotting.



Jungle River Tubing Adventure

Letting yourself go by the senses.

At dusk, with life-preservers, we’ll let the river flow take us back to the Flotel. An unforgettable experience while the tones of the sky take place and the birds exchange space with the fishing bats and night birds.

We’ll leave in a small boat from the Flotel, upstream, in search of a near straightway and appropriate to let us take by the river flow on an inner tube, during a long period of time, normally until getting to the ship.

Duration from 1/2 to 2 hrs.

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