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Visit and Exchange with communities or riverside inhabitants

From the Flotel, on a small boat, visit a community or riverside family, depending on the number of days of your stay or the program, this activity will be more complete.

From the Flotel, on a small boat, we’ll visit a community or riverside family, being part of the daily chores and exchanging experiences during 1 or 2 hours. By taking advantage of the minor water flow entering we’ll be able to fish just what’s necessary for lunch or dinner.

If the number of days of your stay allows it, the expedition on small boats will take us to the mojeñas indigenous communities of the Mamore river, Rosario and El Boibo, more structured and esthetic. Its paths, chacos and suspended houses will show us the relationship man-nature in peace and the balance that these communities have decided to preserve.

Sharing with their craftsmen will be an excuse to talk with them and get access to their far-from- the-world routine. A good swim in some beach accompanied by the bufeos and the observation of animals that becomes more varied and frequent in this better preserved river zone won’t be missed. This activity lasts from 2 to 6 hours depending on the Tour.

It is possible to be surprised during the road along with fish that jump while we go across the river, by flocks of crow-ducks or cormorants, kingfishers, herons, jabirús, batos, jacanas, gallaretas, rayadores, sereres curicheros and an endless variety of birds and riverside mammals such as the capybaras (the biggest rodent in the world) or reptiles like water petas, tatarugas, caimans or some sicurí (anacondas in some places).